The Fusion of Cassine

It all begins with a story, a story of different identities. Cassine comes from the small island of Mauritius, a multicultural island mixed of different identities, religions and cultures. Cassine comes from the influence of the designer’s multi-heritage of Mauritius.

The meaning behind the name is “Cassine” orientalis, known locally as bois d'olive, is a tall canopy tree endemic to the Mascarene islands of Mauritius, Reunion and Rodrigues. In its native islands the tree has been severely over-exploited for its valuable reddish wood. Adults reach up to 20 meters in height.

After the name Cassine was decided, it also helped represent the significance of the brand’s multi-diverse culture and its passion on gender fluidity.

It’s divine cultures and identities for those miss-represented, who want to invest their time helping others express their personalities through clothing. Producing a range of African and Indian fusion wear, a diverse sustainable fashion brand which reflects the consumers identity and rede- fining gender neutrality by keeping the traditional culture in aspects of each garment.

The brand itself stands out with their Bold and unique, textile, colour and print which will not define femininity or masculinity but the consumer as a person (freedom of expression) rather than categorising each garment through gender.

As an independent designer, she is also sociable within her communities. She is
a person who loves to be a part of a community, bring those together, and balancing her public appearance. Her historical heritage (which the brand represents part of her cultures unity), is a big importance to her and life.

As a brand, she wants to communicate with her consumers through her cultural heritage which is also connected with her consumers. The African and Indian heritage is one of the main aspects of her heritage where other African and Indian cultures can connect with her through the clothing, designs, colour, and silhouettes.

As fashion is more diverse through time, the importance of bringing gender neutrality within the brand will help consumers express their personality also.